<div class='adsense' style='text-align:center; padding: 0px 3px 0.5em 3px;'> </div> Prayer on a Sunday Night - somewhere i have never traveled. . .

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Monday, August 17, 2009 

Prayer on a Sunday Night

Heavenly Father,

In the oppressive silence of this evening,
as anger wells unbidden from places unvisited by grace,
teach me to forgive.

Take unsifted the memories of confusion and abandonment
that have haunted me, unrestrained,
and take them into Your eternal safekeeping,
that I may have the courage to look again at life
in hope and not in bitterness, in peace and not in hate.

Grant me, then, dear Father,
the freedom that comes with forgiveness.
Remind me always that with every vengeful thought
I nurture in my heart,
I serve only to strengthen the shackles
that bind me to the prisons of yesterday's fury--
a prison where neither hope nor light nor joy nor peace abides.

Finally, dear Father, as I pray for the courage to forgive,
and the freedom gained from forgiving,
I ask that You be present as I struggle in this journey--
For I know that I cannot forgive without Your grace,
and I cannot be free without Your love.

In the name of Him whose life has taught us to forgive,
and whose death has set us free.


very beautiful.

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About me

  • I'm Peej Bernardo
  • From Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
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    Alice Walker
    Expect nothing. Live frugally
    On surprise.
    become a stranger
    To need of pity
    Or, if compassion be freely
    Given out
    Take only enough
    Stop short of urge to plead
    Then purge away the need.
    Wish for nothing larger
    Than your own small heart
    Or greater than a star;
    Tame wild disappointment
    With caress unmoved and cold
    Make of it a parka
    For your soul.
    Discover the reason why
    So tiny human midget
    Exists at all
    So scared unwise
    But expect nothing. Live frugally
    On surprise.
    Harvard Law School LL.M. '12

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