Reconnecting (Peeking Out)
We took the world as given.
Cigarettes were twenty-several cents a pack,
And gas as much per gallon. Sex came wrapped in rubber
And veiled in supernatural scruples—
Call them chivalry . . . .
Psychology was in the mind; abstract
things grabbed us where we lived; the only life
worth living was the private life, and— last,
Worst scandal in this characterization—
We did not know we were a generation.
John Updike
I know that I’ve been away for a while, stuck in the daily grind of finding a life and making a living, and it’s been hard just standing still. Perhaps this really is a sign of my generation: nearing thirty, coming into our own, constantly being on the move. Almost every day, I get news of people changing jobs, getting married, moving abroad. Very few of us, in fact, are still in our first jobs out of law school. Some have even given up lawyering altogether. Others have even chosen to stake their fortunes in foreign lands. It is an unnerving experience, I think, to realize that one’s life is completely and inexorably in one’s hands.
Here’s a brief run-down of what I have since done with mine:
1. I’ve changed law offices. From the litigation firm of Poblador Bautista & Reyes, I am now an associate at Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & de los Angeles Law Office, one of largest law offices in the country. The firm is known for its securities, arbitration and capital markets transactions, but, strangely enough, much of my work remains in to be in litigation. I am though, fortunately, doing a number of deals, transactions and arbitrations. Needless to say, I still feel that I really don’t know anything— I get by only by the grace of God.

Balancing my responsibilities at the law office, where I often have to do sixteen hour days, and finding time to prepare for my classes, has been quite a challenge. And quite frankly, there are days when I feel that I am tremendously short-changing my students. Without my teaching, however, I honestly think that I would have gone nuts a long time ago. It has been quite an enjoyable experience, however (although I am sure, my students will describe my teaching as anything but enjoyable!)

4. I’ve also had the chance to travel to quite a number of places over the past months, among them: Ankor Wat, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Puerto Galera, Boracay and Cebu City.
Through changes and travels and learnings, though, I think I’m still the same person. I little bit more jaded, perhaps, a lot more grown-up. But still the same person. It is with this thought that I am (hopefully) signing back on, and emerging (for occasional peeks) from this veritable cave of mine. Here we go. . . .
hey! im one avid reader of your blog. it's so good to see you blogging again!!! ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:56 AM
Just saying hi. Saw a link called "PJs blog" in my bookmarks today. Thanks for hauling me around Manila several years ago! -Jason
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:39 AM
Good luck Peej. Your Dad gave me the link to your Pagsi piece. Very well written. Greetings from your uncle in Oklahoma!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:56 AM
Hello there! It's nice to have a peek of your thoughts again..
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:40 AM