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Tuesday, October 18, 2005 

Friendster Stalker

It's 9:27 in the morning, and here I am, propped up on my bed, randomly clicking on friendster pages, and blogspots.

Looking through their pictures, and reading through their entries, I feel as though so much of life has passed me by! Over the last six months, people have gotten married, had kids, changed jobs, found girlfriends. . . . so that if people ask me what's new with my life, I can only shrug and say, "Oh, the bar. What fun."

It's a strange feeling getting back into the world following the bar examinations. I feel like its just exchanging one loneliness for another. Or perhaps it's really the same loneliness, I was just too stressed and anxious to tell the difference. And it's only now when I finally have the time (or the luxury) to be human again, when I could actually allow myself to indulge in my old hang-ups and insecurities, that all those pent-up and repressed feelings of the last six months find full expression in the silence of a rainy evening, or the greyness of a long drive home.

Pardon my rant, but it's rather difficult trying to find something meaningful to do these days, and worse yet, not having anyone in particular to do it with. Hohum. It's scary, actually: I woke up this morning feeling, "Oh, shit, maybe this is as good as it gets."

About me

  • I'm Peej Bernardo
  • From Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
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    Alice Walker
    Expect nothing. Live frugally
    On surprise.
    become a stranger
    To need of pity
    Or, if compassion be freely
    Given out
    Take only enough
    Stop short of urge to plead
    Then purge away the need.
    Wish for nothing larger
    Than your own small heart
    Or greater than a star;
    Tame wild disappointment
    With caress unmoved and cold
    Make of it a parka
    For your soul.
    Discover the reason why
    So tiny human midget
    Exists at all
    So scared unwise
    But expect nothing. Live frugally
    On surprise.
    Harvard Law School LL.M. '12

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